City Pub by CafeCity

Take a beer break! – ristorant

  • Klassifikazzjoni: 8 / 10 stilel
  • Tikketti: birrasnacksalkoħol
  • Telefon: +994515984727
  • Websajt:
  • Indirizz: 241B Abdullah Shaig Khirdalan az1000
  • What a party or a gathering can do without sudsy beer and crispy, delicious snacks? “City Pub” has proved to be the place with reasonable prices, variety of mouth-watering cold and hot snacks, draft beer, the list of origibal beverages , and relaxing interior. For a full comfort of our guests, we have divided the place into two sections: for family and for male. In “City Pub” you are always welcomed warmly and are helped to feel a taste of life after stressful weekdays.
  • Ħinijiet Miftuħa:
    Monday: 4 PM - 4 PM Tuesday: 4 PM - 4 PM Wednesday: 4 PM - 4 PM Thursday: 4 PM - 4 PM Friday: 4 PM - 4 PM Saturday: 4 PM - 4 PM Sunday: 4 PM - 4 PM
    Ħinijiet ta' Kunsinna:
    Monday: 12 AM - 4 PM, 4 PM - 4 PM Tuesday: 4 PM - 4 PM Wednesday: 4 PM - 4 PM Thursday: 4 PM - 4 PM Friday: 4 PM - 4 PM Saturday: 4 PM - 4 PM Sunday: 4 PM - 12 AM
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