Stou Nikola Souvlaki
Here you can find traditional Cypriot souvlaki! – restaurant
- Tags: mezesouvlakitraditional
- Phone: +35796006017
- Website: https://www.facebook.com/%CE%A3%CF%84%CE%BF%CF%85-%CE%9D%CE%B9%CE%BA%CE%BF%CE%BB%CE%B1-107780708446084/?ref=page_internal
- Address: Archiepiskopou Makariou III 67, Kiti Larnaca 7550
- For a delicious relaxing lunch with friends and colleagues
- Open Hours:Monday: Closed Tuesday: 12 AM - 8 PM Wednesday: 12 AM - 8 PM Thursday: 12 AM - 8 PM Friday: 12 AM - 8 PM Saturday: 12 AM - 8 PM Sunday: 12 AM - 8 PMDelivery Hours:Monday: Closed Tuesday: 12 AM - 8 PM Wednesday: 12 AM - 8 PM Thursday: 12 AM - 8 PM Friday: 12 AM - 8 PM Saturday: 12 AM - 8 PM Sunday: 12 AM - 8 PM
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