Benzai Sushi Bar

A special selection of your favorite sushi dishes, special plates, noodles and rice! – ristorant

  • Klassifikazzjoni: 8 / 10 stilel
  • Tikketti: Sushiażjatiċi
  • Telefon: +35725588282
  • Websajt:
  • Indirizz: Patmou 19, Germasogeia Limassol 4044
  • Benzai is the sole female amongst the Seven Lucky Gods of Japanese mythology. Her temples and shrines are almost invariably in the neighborhood of water - the sea, a river or a pond. She is a patroness of music, the fine arts, dancing, acting, visual, and a good fortune in general!
  • Ħinijiet Miftuħa:
    Monday: 4 AM - 10 PM Tuesday: 4 AM - 10 PM Wednesday: 4 AM - 10 PM Thursday: 4 AM - 10 PM Friday: 4 AM - 10 PM Saturday: 4 AM - 10 PM Sunday: 4 AM - 10 PM
    Ħinijiet ta' Kunsinna:
    Monday: 4 AM - 10 PM Tuesday: 4 AM - 10 PM Wednesday: 4 AM - 10 PM Thursday: 4 AM - 10 PM Friday: 4 AM - 10 PM Saturday: 4 AM - 10 PM Sunday: 4 AM - 10 PM
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