Elysian Plant Based Kitchen Bar Limassol

Recipes from all around the world! – ristorant

  • Klassifikazzjoni: 8 / 10 stilel
  • Tikketti: awtentikubrunchburger
  • Telefon: +35799533486
  • Websajt: https://www.elysian.com.cy/limassol/
  • Indirizz: Ellados 12 Limassol 3036
  • Eating plant based at Elysian is a celebration every time! All our menu is 100% vegan, and healthy with many burger, gyros, and brunch options! We don’t use any white flour, white sugar, and many ingredients are organic! Positive feedback from everyone, but especially suited for vegans, vegetarians, health fanatics, and everyone who loves delicious and high quality food
  • Ħinijiet Miftuħa:
    Monday: Closed Tuesday: 4 PM - 4 PM Wednesday: 4 PM - 4 PM Thursday: 4 PM - 4 PM Friday: 4 PM - 4 PM Saturday: 4 PM - 4 PM Sunday: 4 PM - 4 PM
    Ħinijiet ta' Kunsinna:
    Monday: Closed Tuesday: 4 PM - 4 PM Wednesday: 4 PM - 4 PM Thursday: 4 PM - 4 PM Friday: 4 PM - 4 PM Saturday: 4 PM - 4 PM Sunday: 4 PM - 4 PM
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