Bella Vita

Authentic Italian restaurant in the heart of Nicosia! – restaurant

  • Évaluation: 8 / 10 étoiles
  • Mots clés: italienpizzaBurger
  • Téléphoner: +35722262369
  • Site Internet:
  • Adresse: Archangelou Michael 3 Nicosie 1011
  • Bella Vita is an authentic Italian restaurant with mouth-watering taste. A free Margarita pizza with the purchase of two main dishes, A Margarita pizza and a garlic bread free with the purchase of three main dishes!
  • Heures d\'ouverture:
    Monday: 8 AM - 12 AM, 12 AM - 8 AM Tuesday: 8 AM - 12 AM, 12 AM - 8 AM Wednesday: 8 AM - 12 AM, 12 AM - 8 AM Thursday: 8 AM - 12 AM, 12 AM - 8 AM Friday: 8 AM - 12 AM, 12 AM - 8 AM Saturday: 8 AM - 12 AM, 12 AM - 8 AM Sunday: 8 AM - 12 AM, 12 AM - 8 AM
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