Gloria Jean's Coffee Palouriotissa
Discover the coffee that you never knew till now that you liked the most! – ristorant
- Klassifikazzjoni: 9 / 10 stilel
- Tikketti: -30% DISCOUNTkafetterijakafèkolazzjon
- Telefon: +35722434395
- Websajt:
- Indirizz: 12 Kantaras Nicosia 1037
- A range of over 150 products including hot and cold espresso drinks, fresh premium coffee beans, wide selection of gourmet teas, pastries and coffee related merchandise!
- Ħinijiet Miftuħa:Monday: 12 PM - 12 PM Tuesday: 12 PM - 12 PM Wednesday: 12 PM - 12 PM Thursday: 12 PM - 12 PM Friday: 12 PM - 12 PM Saturday: 4 AM - 12 PM Sunday: 4 AM - 12 PMĦinijiet ta' Kunsinna:Monday: 12 PM - 12 PM Tuesday: 12 PM - 12 PM Wednesday: 12 PM - 12 PM Thursday: 12 PM - 12 PM Friday: 12 PM - 12 PM Saturday: 4 AM - 12 PM Sunday: 4 AM - 12 PM
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