Trdlokafe ve Vaňkovce
Modern style, traditional recipe 😍 – レストラン
- 評価: 8 / 10 星々
- タグ: カフェデザートフルーツ
- 電話: +420733111281
- 住所 Ve Vaňkovce 1 ブルノ 60200
- Trdlokafe is a new Czech startup project, which has been operating in its current form since 2015. Its mission is to combine a traditional product with a modern concept, technologies and a modern approach to customer service. In Trdlokafe, our customer is at the center of what we do. This is mainly because the main goal of all our Baristas, as we call those smiling people at our venues, is to make people happy every day. We have perfected our original recipe of fluffy trdelníky with various sprinkles (cinnamon, coconut, raspberry, etc.) and exclusively with our real Marlenka cream or Nutella. In the summer season we also offer ice cream in the trdelník and iced Trdlokafe latte with many flavors (caramel, blackberry, banana, etc.).
- 営業時間:Monday: 8 PM - 8 AM Tuesday: 8 PM - 8 AM Wednesday: 8 PM - 8 AM Thursday: 8 PM - 8 AM Friday: 8 PM - 8 AM Saturday: 8 PM - 8 AM Sunday: 12 PM - 4 PM配達時間:Monday: 8 PM - 8 AM Tuesday: 8 PM - 8 AM Wednesday: 8 PM - 8 AM Thursday: 8 PM - 8 AM Friday: 8 PM - 8 AM Saturday: 8 PM - 8 AM Sunday: 12 PM - 4 PM
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