WAF-WAF OC Forum Liberec
Joy for everyone! – restaurant
- Rating: 8 / 10 stars
- Tags: breakfastcrepespancakes
- Phone: +420775713008
- Address: Nám. Soukenné 669 Liberec 46007
- Joy for everyone! We offer a complete range of the Waf-Waf products, whether it is the popular waffles, pancakes, pancakes (savoury and sweet) or even milkshakes, fresh-juices and other original products (also glutenfree).
- Open Hours:Monday: 8 AM - 10 PM Tuesday: 8 AM - 10 PM Wednesday: 8 AM - 10 PM Thursday: 8 AM - 10 PM Friday: 8 AM - 10 PM Saturday: 8 AM - 10 PM Sunday: 8 AM - 10 PMDelivery Hours:Monday: 8 AM - 10 PM Tuesday: 8 AM - 10 PM Wednesday: 8 AM - 10 PM Thursday: 8 AM - 10 PM Friday: 8 AM - 10 PM Saturday: 8 AM - 10 PM Sunday: 8 AM - 10 PM
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