Mirchi Kreuzberg

Singapore Fusion Kitchen – мейрамхана

  • Рейтинг: 8 / 10 жұлдыздар
  • Тегтер: үндіазиялыққытай
  • Телефон: +49306125550
  • Веб-сайт: https://www.amrit.de/
  • Мекен-жайы: Берлин 10999
  • Singapore is the main hub of Asian flights. From Bali to the Philippines, from Mumbai to Bangkok, Malaysia to Dheli - almost every flight makes a stop in the metropolis SINGAPORE. Naturally, this is reflected in the country's cuisine, resulting in fusions of the highest order. Our chef himself has lived and cooked in Singapore for several years. Dined in the hawker centers and convinced himself of the fusion cuisine. Through the many trips to Asia of the Bans brothers, they have also come to know and love Singaporean cuisine, which is why there was no way around establishing this cuisine in Berlin under the name MIRCHI. By the way, MIRCHI means chili, a component in almost every Singaporean fusion dish. Seller: Company: Wolt Enterprises Deutschland GmbH, Address: Stralauer Allee 6, 10245 Berlin, Representative: Aksana Lukyanenka-Sarac, Trade register number: HRB 217122 B, Register court: Amtsgericht Charlottenburg, E-Mail: support@wolt.com
  • Ашық сағаттар:
    Monday: 4 AM - 4 PM Tuesday: 4 AM - 4 PM Wednesday: 4 AM - 4 PM Thursday: 4 AM - 4 PM Friday: 12 AM - 8 AM Saturday: 12 AM - 8 AM Sunday: 4 AM - 4 PM
    Жеткізу сағаттары:
    Monday: 4 AM - 4 PM Tuesday: 4 AM - 4 PM Wednesday: 4 AM - 4 PM Thursday: 4 AM - 4 PM Friday: 12 AM - 8 AM Saturday: 12 AM - 8 AM Sunday: 4 AM - 4 PM
Mirchi Kreuzberg
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