Swadesh North and South Indian Kitchen

Cuisines of north and south india – レストラン

  • 評価: 7 / 10 星々
  • タグ: インド人マサラカレー
  • 電話: +493069566673
  • ウェブサイト https://www.facebook.com/Swadesh-138908451240930/
  • 住所 Schlesische Straße 9 ベルリン 10997
  • Swadesh brings the cuisines of north and south India to Berlin. Each dish impresses with the diverse aromas of Indian cuisine. Always prepared with care and a lot of love you will not only be satisfied but also overjoyed! Seller: Company: Wolt Enterprises Deutschland GmbH, Address: Stralauer Allee 6, 10245 Berlin, Representative: Aksana Lukyanenka-Sarac, Trade register number: HRB 217122 B, Register court: Amtsgericht Charlottenburg, E-Mail: [email protected]
  • 営業時間:
    Monday: 4 AM - 4 AM Tuesday: 4 AM - 4 AM Wednesday: 4 AM - 4 AM Thursday: 4 AM - 4 AM Friday: 4 AM - 4 AM Saturday: 4 AM - 4 AM Sunday: 4 AM - 4 AM
    Monday: 4 AM - 4 AM Tuesday: 4 AM - 4 AM Wednesday: 4 AM - 4 AM Thursday: 4 AM - 4 AM Friday: 4 AM - 4 AM Saturday: 4 AM - 4 AM Sunday: 4 AM - 4 AM
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