Doener Land
Plates full of delicious food! – restaurant
- Tags: donerpizzaNoodle
- Phone: +4922156066498
- Address: Stammheimer Straße 98 Cologne 50735
- Fancy a kebab, pizza or pasta as a little adventure? Then why not try one of the delicious dishes from Doner Land! You won't regret it! Seller: Company: Bülent Örge, Address: Stammheimer Straße 98, 50735 Cologne, Representative: Bülent Örge, Trade register number: -, E-Mail: [email protected]
- Open Hours:Monday: 8 AM - 12 AM Tuesday: 8 AM - 12 AM Wednesday: 8 AM - 12 AM Thursday: 8 AM - 12 AM Friday: 8 AM - 12 AM Saturday: 8 AM - 12 AM Sunday: 8 AM - 12 AMDelivery Hours:Monday: 8 AM - 12 AM Tuesday: 8 AM - 12 AM Wednesday: 8 AM - 12 AM Thursday: 8 AM - 12 AM Friday: 8 AM - 12 AM Saturday: 8 AM - 12 AM Sunday: 8 AM - 12 AM
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