
Something different for a change? How about Greek 😋 – restavracija

  • Ocena: 7 / 10 zvezde
  • Oznake: Newgrškiulična hrana
  • telefon: +49231 18588851
  • Spletna stran:
  • Naslov: Hohe Str. 5 Dortmund 44139
  • Not in the mood for burgers, pizza and the like? Filia offers fresh, authentic Greek cuisine cooked from the heart! Whether gyros, fish or feta dishes, there's something for everyone here. Seller: Company: Kalliopi Chatzi, Address: Hohe Str. 5, 44139, Dortmund, Germany, Representative: Kalliopi Chatzi, Trade register number: 316/5044/3869, E-Mail: [email protected]
  • Odpiralni čas:
    Monday: Closed Tuesday: 12 PM - 8 AM Wednesday: 12 PM - 8 AM Thursday: 12 PM - 8 AM Friday: 12 PM - 12 AM Saturday: 12 PM - 12 AM Sunday: 12 AM - 4 PM
    Dobavni čas:
    Monday: Closed Tuesday: 12 PM - 8 AM Wednesday: 12 PM - 8 AM Thursday: 12 PM - 8 AM Friday: 12 PM - 12 AM Saturday: 12 PM - 12 AM Sunday: 12 AM - 4 PM
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