Bahar Kebab Haus

Let yourself be carried away into the world of culinary creations! – restaurant

  • Tags: kebabturkish
  • Phone: +4935126743054
  • Address: Mobschatzer Str. 31 Dresden 01157
  • Are you looking for new flavors from all over the world? Dishes that are put together and prepared for you with love and care? Then Bahar Kebab Haus is the right place for you. Experience a journey through the different flavors of the world - in your own home! Seller: Company: insert merchant name, Address: Mobschatzer Str. 31, 01157, Dresden, Representative: Ali Hameed Hasam Al Haji , Trade register number: -, E-Mail: [email protected]
  • Open Hours:
    Monday: 4 PM - 8 AM Tuesday: 4 PM - 8 AM Wednesday: 4 PM - 8 AM Thursday: 4 PM - 8 AM Friday: 4 PM - 8 AM Saturday: 4 PM - 8 AM Sunday: 4 PM - 8 AM
    Delivery Hours:
    Monday: 4 PM - 8 AM Tuesday: 4 PM - 8 AM Wednesday: 4 PM - 8 AM Thursday: 4 PM - 8 AM Friday: 4 PM - 8 AM Saturday: 4 PM - 8 AM Sunday: 4 PM - 8 AM
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