To1980 VEGAN – Vietnamese Street Food
Vegan vietnamese Street Food – healthy and delicious! – restoran
- Reytinq: 8 / 10 ulduzlar
- Teqlər: veganvyetnamlıqab
- Telefon: +4921115894057
- Veb sayt: https://www.to1980.de/
- Ünvan: Immermannstraße 46 Düsseldorf 40210
- Experience TÔ1980 Vegan, the Buddhist-influenced restaurant with Vietnamese culture. As a cultural gesture and out of respect for all living beings, people in Vietnam eat vegan twice a month (on the full moon and the first day of the month according to the lunar calendar). Enjoy healthy vegan street food style cuisine from To 1800 Vegan’s kitchen, happy to eat regardless of the lunar calendar. A " Chúc Bạn ăn Ngon " – which means – Bon Appetit! Seller: Company: Wolt Enterprises Deutschland GmbH, Address: Stralauer Allee 6, 10245 Berlin, Representative: Bassel Soukar, Trade register number: HRB 217122 B, Register court: Amtsgericht Charlottenburg, E-Mail: [email protected]
- Açıq saatlar:Monday: 8 AM - 6 AM Tuesday: 8 AM - 6 AM Wednesday: 8 AM - 6 AM Thursday: 8 AM - 6 AM Friday: 8 AM - 6 AM Saturday: 12 AM - 6 AM Sunday: 12 AM - 6 AMÇatdırılma Saatları:Monday: 8 AM - 6 AM Tuesday: 8 AM - 6 AM Wednesday: 8 AM - 6 AM Thursday: 8 AM - 6 AM Friday: 8 AM - 6 AM Saturday: 12 AM - 6 AM Sunday: 12 AM - 6 AM
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