Raja & Rani

Bring India to your home 🇮🇳 – restoran

  • Reytinq: 6 / 10 ulduzlar
  • Teqlər: körihindasiyalı
  • Telefon: +4991143459585
  • Veb sayt: https://rajaundrani.de/
  • Ünvan: Maffeiplatz 16 Nürnberq 90478
  • Let yourself be seduced and get to know the diversity of Indian cuisine with its sensually intoxicating spices! With Raja and Rani, your culinary dreams will come true when you finally hold the intense Tandoori or the fiery Vindaloo curry in your hands. What are you waiting for? Order now and take a trip to magical India!
  • Açıq saatlar:
    Monday: 4 PM - 4 PM Tuesday: 4 PM - 4 PM Wednesday: 4 PM - 4 PM Thursday: 4 PM - 4 PM Friday: 4 PM - 4 PM Saturday: 4 PM - 4 PM Sunday: 12 AM - 4 PM
    Çatdırılma Saatları:
    Monday: 4 PM - 4 PM Tuesday: 4 PM - 4 PM Wednesday: 4 PM - 4 PM Thursday: 4 PM - 4 PM Friday: 4 PM - 4 PM Saturday: 4 PM - 4 PM Sunday: 12 AM - 4 PM
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