Marcantonio Pizzeria Trattoria
Autentic Italian Restaurant – レストラン
- 評価: 8 / 10 星々
- タグ: ピザイタリアン
- 電話: +4531607393
- ウェブサイト
- 住所 Vintapperstræde 8 オーデンセ 5000
- Marcantonio Pizzeria Trattoria wish to create an authentic environment with rustic Italien tradition. The food should taste like it did when the owners where kids and visited the grandmother.
- 営業時間:Monday: 8 PM - 8 PM Tuesday: 8 PM - 8 PM Wednesday: 8 PM - 8 PM Thursday: 8 PM - 8 PM Friday: 8 PM - 8 PM Saturday: 8 PM - 8 PM Sunday: 8 PM - 8 PM配達時間:Monday: 8 PM - 8 PM Tuesday: 8 PM - 8 PM Wednesday: 8 PM - 8 PM Thursday: 8 PM - 8 PM Friday: 8 PM - 8 PM Saturday: 8 PM - 8 PM Sunday: 8 PM - 8 PM
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