BOPP café
Healthy and varied food - bowls, smoothies, grilled sandwiches and wraps! – restoran
- Reytinq: 9 / 10 ulduzlar
- Teqlər: sağlamsəhər yeməyiçay
- Telefon: +37256677827
- Veb sayt:
- Ünvan: Komeedi 5 Tallinn 10122
- Cafe Bopp started with an idea that has matured for a long time and a dream to open its own cafe one day, to do what the soul desires on a daily basis and to offer people pleasant and healthy food that would be abundant and colorful. The meals are prepared from start to finish on site, using fresh and, if possible, mild ingredients and eggs from free-range chickens. The cafe is located in Uus Maailm, Komeedi street. The name of the cafe comes from the name of one of the most famous comets - Hale-Bopp. Bopp is really pop, isn't it?
- Açıq saatlar:Monday: 8 AM - 8 AM Tuesday: 8 AM - 8 AM Wednesday: 8 AM - 8 AM Thursday: 8 AM - 8 AM Friday: 8 AM - 8 AM Saturday: 8 AM - 12 AM Sunday: 8 AM - 12 AMÇatdırılma Saatları:Monday: 8 AM - 10 PM Tuesday: 8 AM - 10 PM Wednesday: 8 AM - 10 PM Thursday: 8 AM - 10 PM Friday: 8 AM - 10 PM Saturday: 8 AM - 2 PM Sunday: 8 AM - 2 PM
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