Kolm Sibulat

Fusion-confusion – restaurant

  • Rating: 9 / 10 stars
  • Tags: fusionmediterraneanmiddle eastern
  • Phone: +3726644055
  • Website: http://kolmsibulat.eu
  • Address: Maakri 19/1 Tallinn 10145
  • Kolm Sibulat asetub täpselt fast ja slow food’i vahepeale. Meie menüüst leiab nii nuudliroogasid kui ka Lähis-Ida sugemetega pärlkuskussi, vahemerelist hummust ning Gruusia päritolu lavašši, mis on saanud endale kaaslaseks eelkõige Korea köögist tuntud vürtsika kimchi kapsa. The cooking style of Three Onions falls somewhere between fast food and slow food. The menu incorporates Middle-Eastern couscous and Mediterranean hummus. You can sample Georgian bread accompanied by kimchi, which is a staple of Korean cooking. It is really hard to determine our style, we sometimes laugh at ourselves and call it fusion-confusion.
  • Open Hours:
    Monday: Closed Tuesday: 12 AM - 8 PM Wednesday: 12 AM - 8 PM Thursday: 12 AM - 8 PM Friday: 12 AM - 8 PM Saturday: 12 AM - 8 PM Sunday: 4 PM - 12 PM
    Delivery Hours:
    Monday: Closed Tuesday: 12 AM - 8 PM Wednesday: 12 AM - 8 PM Thursday: 12 AM - 8 PM Friday: 12 AM - 8 PM Saturday: 12 AM - 8 PM Sunday: 4 PM - 12 PM
Kolm Sibulat
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