
Crepes and warm salads! – restaurant

  • Rating: 9 / 10 stars
  • Tags: crepessaladwine
  • Phone: +3727422133
  • Website:
  • Address: Rüütli 16 Tartu 10130
  • Kohvik Crepp on aastal 2004 rajatud prantsusepärane kohvik, mis on tuntud oma suurte soojade salatite ja maitsvate pannkookide poolest. Cafe Crepp is a French café founded in 2004 and known for its warm salads and tasty pancakes.
  • Open Hours:
    Monday: Closed Tuesday: Closed Wednesday: Closed Thursday: Closed Friday: Closed Saturday: Closed Sunday: Closed
    Delivery Hours:
    Monday: Closed Tuesday: Closed Wednesday: Closed Thursday: Closed Friday: Closed Saturday: Closed Sunday: Closed
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