Tostadas | Ashdod

Pastrami toast – ristorant

  • Klassifikazzjoni: 6 / 10 stilel
  • Tikketti: KoshermediterranSandwichikel fit-triq
  • Telefon: +97286201818
  • Websajt:
  • Indirizz: האורגים 12, אשדוד Ashdod 7760923
  • Before the entrance to HaBanim Street, Tostadas Ashdod opened and brought us authentic flavors from Spain, selecting quality sausages, interesting combinations, and spreads that add a unique flavor. Already at the entrance, you will notice the musical style painted on clocks, the same clocks that decorate the wall and create a European look to the place. There is no doubt that sausage toast is a delicious choice for all hours of the day, especially in a clean and meticulous place like toasts. Kosher
  • Ħinijiet Miftuħa:
    Monday: 4 AM - 12 AM Tuesday: 4 AM - 12 AM Wednesday: 4 AM - 12 AM Thursday: 4 AM - 12 AM Friday: Closed Saturday: 10 AM - 12 AM Sunday: 4 AM - 12 AM
    Ħinijiet ta' Kunsinna:
    Monday: 4 AM - 12 AM Tuesday: 4 AM - 12 AM Wednesday: 4 AM - 12 AM Thursday: 4 AM - 12 AM Friday: Closed Saturday: 10 AM - 12 AM Sunday: 4 AM - 12 AM
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