Hummus Kaspi | Em HaMoshavot

Not Just Hummus – restoran

  • Reytinq: 7 / 10 ulduzlar
  • Teqlər: Kosheraralıq dəniziküçə yeməyifalafel
  • Telefon: +97239470111
  • Ünvan: יעל רום 8 Petah Tikva - Bik'at Ono 4906213
  • The neighborhood hummus restaurant, "Caspi", was opened in 2011 by chef Yaniv Caspi, with a desire to give the residents of Tel Aviv and the surrounding area a unique place that offers Israeli food with quality ingredients, a special atmosphere and hospitality like at home. The restaurant has expanded into a chain, offering authentic and varied hummus dishes combined with fresh and quality food, with a warm and happy atmosphere. Caspi brings the flavors, colors and aromas of Mediterranean cuisine to the heart of the city and provides customers with a quality experience in a real market atmosphere.
  • Açıq saatlar:
    Monday: 10 PM - 6 AM Tuesday: 10 PM - 6 AM Wednesday: 10 PM - 6 AM Thursday: 10 PM - 6 AM Friday: 4 PM - 10 PM Saturday: Closed Sunday: 10 PM - 6 AM
    Çatdırılma Saatları:
    Monday: 10 PM - 6 AM Tuesday: 10 PM - 6 AM Wednesday: 10 PM - 6 AM Thursday: 10 PM - 6 AM Friday: 4 PM - 10 PM Saturday: Closed Sunday: 10 PM - 6 AM
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