Handmade pizzas | Italy – რესტორანი
- რეიტინგი: 7 / 10 ვარსკვლავები
- ტეგები: ქუჩის საჭმელიპიცაიტალიური
- ტელეფონი: +972528978769
- მისამართი: ג׳ורג׳ וייז 20 თელავივი 6997712
- Elinika in Greek means "Greek" We chose this name because there is nothing more Aliniki (Greek) than the traditional food that can be found in the restaurants hidden in the residential neighborhoods of Athens, in hidden alleys and backyards. The fact that Israelis love Greek food was announced more than a decade ago when many taverns and restaurants began to serve menus in Hebrew in order to make it easier for the tourist from Israel. Traditional Greek food is home food, comfort food, food that you never get tired of. Greek cuisine is a solid base for all cuisines around the Mediterranean and the most prominent among them are the cuisines of Turkey, Syria and Lebanon. There is a lot of similarity between these cuisines, you can find the special recipes with us all year round
- გახსნის საათები:Monday: 4 AM - 4 AM Tuesday: 4 AM - 4 AM Wednesday: 4 AM - 4 AM Thursday: 4 AM - 4 AM Friday: 4 AM - 4 AM Saturday: 4 AM - 4 AM Sunday: 4 AM - 4 AMმიწოდების საათები:Monday: 4 AM - 4 AM Tuesday: 4 AM - 4 AM Wednesday: 4 AM - 4 AM Thursday: 4 AM - 4 AM Friday: 4 AM - 4 AM Saturday: 4 AM - 4 AM Sunday: 4 AM - 4 AM
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