Manta Ray
Manta Ray - incurable optimism – რესტორანი
- რეიტინგი: 8 / 10 ვარსკვლავები
- ტეგები: დაამატეთ ტეგები!
- ტელეფონი: +97235174774
- საიტი:
- მისამართი: קויפמן 7, תל אביב თელავივი 6801299
- Manta ray is a true beachfront restaurant, located along side the sands of the beach, and just steps away from the clashing waves. Our kitchen is unique for its special and creative Middle Eastern cuisine. All of Manta Ray's fish and seafood are cooked with a lot of Love and passion. Our acclaimed chef is Ronen Skinezis
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