Ruben | Sarona
a True American Experience | Kosher – რესტორანი
- რეიტინგი: 7 / 10 ვარსკვლავები
- ტეგები: დაამატეთ ტეგები!
- ტელეფონი: +972504226868
- საიტი:
- მისამართი: מנדלר אלברט אברהם 6, תל אביב თელავივი 6107041
- "Ruben" is a chain of burgers and hot meats in a unique American atmosphere. The "Ruben" sandwich was invented somewhere in New York deli in the mid-1920s and arrived in Israel about a decade ago. "Ruben" has set itself the goal of upgrading the hamburger trend in the country and today the chain serves alongside its famous burgers and sandwiches, also steaks, asado, special entrees and specials from the smokehouse on a daily basis | KOSHER
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