Sabich Complete - Yomtov
Home style food in the center of Tel Aviv – Restaurant
- Bewertung: 7 / 10 Sterne
- Tags: Straßenessenmediterranhausgemacht
- Telefon: +97235231810
- Website:
- Adresse: שלמה אבן גבירול 99 תל אביב Tel Aviv 6404703
- Sabich Complete is located on Ibn Gabriol street a bit north of Rabin Square. Even though the restaurant is tiny in space, they provide a wide range of food for every taste. The essence of their offering is the common Israeli dishes, with most dishes served either on a plate or in a pita bread. Despite their name, the best food they offer is not necessarily the sabich, but their “home style” food.
- Öffnungszeiten:Monday: 4 PM - 8 AM Tuesday: 4 PM - 8 AM Wednesday: 4 PM - 8 AM Thursday: 4 PM - 8 AM Friday: Closed Saturday: Closed Sunday: 4 PM - 8 AMLieferzeiten:Monday: 4 PM - 8 AM Tuesday: 4 PM - 8 AM Wednesday: 4 PM - 8 AM Thursday: 4 PM - 8 AM Friday: Closed Saturday: Closed Sunday: 4 PM - 8 AM
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