Ko Tai | Chef Tomas Zohar
A real Thai experience – restoran
- Reytinq: 8 / 10 ulduzlar
- Teqlər: Teqlər əlavə edin!
- Telefon: +972509700959
- Veb sayt: https://www.cube.kitchen
- Ünvan: אחוזת בית 3, תל אביב Təl-Əviv 6514302
- Ko Tai, the new Thai delivery restaurant from Cube Kitchens. Our delivery is in the style of a traditional family meal in Thailand, serves dishes to share, and provide a feeling as close to Thailand as you can get these days. In Thailand, there isn't an appetizer and a main course. Usually, four to five dishes are placed on the table and are shared. Tomas Zohar and the CUBE family are inviting you to taste, and in case you don't like spicy flavors 🌶️ we love you too and have tasty food for you as well.
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