Ze Sushi | Sarona

Indulgent Sushi Dishes – რესტორანი

  • რეიტინგი: 8 / 10 ვარსკვლავები
  • ტეგები: დაამატეთ ტეგები!
  • ტელეფონი: +9721700708989
  • საიტი: http://www.zesushi.co.il/
  • მისამართი: קלמן מגן 3 תל אביב თელავივი 6107075
  • We have some secrets we can't reveal, but beyond the fresh fish and quality raw materials, we can tell you that a lot of rice lies in the restaurant - making sure you make fresh rice throughout the day, so it's always served with ideal texture, temperature and flavor. Plus, each sushi roll is prepared only after ordering. From the first bit you will realize that we do not believe in compromises or shortcuts.
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