Your source of freshness and health in the heart of the city🌱 – restauracja

  • Ocena: 8 / 10 gwiazdy
  • Tagi: ZielonysałatkaZdrowiesushi
  • Telefon: +77053106913
  • Adres: ул. Керима Мынбаева 43А Ałmaty 050000
  • "GREEN BOX" is your source of freshness and health in the heart of the city. We specialize in nutritious, deliciously prepared salads and healthy food dishes that will help you maintain a healthy lifestyle without compromising taste. Order dishes from us to recharge and enjoy your meal.
  • Godziny otwarte:
    Monday: 4 PM - 4 PM Tuesday: 4 PM - 4 PM Wednesday: 4 PM - 4 PM Thursday: 4 PM - 4 PM Friday: 4 PM - 4 PM Saturday: 4 PM - 4 PM Sunday: 4 PM - 4 PM
    Godziny dostawy:
    Monday: 4 PM - 4 PM Tuesday: 4 PM - 4 PM Wednesday: 4 PM - 4 PM Thursday: 4 PM - 4 PM Friday: 4 PM - 4 PM Saturday: 4 PM - 4 PM Sunday: 4 PM - 4 PM
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