Smug BBQ Bar

Where it is always tasty and comfy 🙂 – restaurant

  • Rating: 8 / 10 stars
  • Tags: bbqburgerhamburger
  • Phone: +77010525721
  • Website:
  • Address: Gogol St 15 Almaty 050002
  • Smug BBQ Bar is a new format burger place, for which the word "fast food" is inappropriate. Here you not only can order a juicy burger prepared according to all classical canons, but also try unique author's burgers from the chef. If you want something completely unique and individual, then in SMUG Burger you can easily create your own burger, starting from the choice of buns and cutlets, and ending with a variety of sauces and toppings. SMUG Burger offers to enjoy not only delicious food, the most important thing, in our opinion, is the creation of a lively ambience for our guests. An island of comfort and leisure in a noisy metropolis - that's what a new format burger place is.
  • Open Hours:
    Monday: 8 AM - 12 AM Tuesday: 8 AM - 12 AM Wednesday: 8 AM - 12 AM Thursday: 8 AM - 12 AM Friday: 8 AM - 12 AM Saturday: 8 AM - 12 AM Sunday: 8 AM - 12 AM
    Delivery Hours:
    Monday: 8 AM - 12 AM Tuesday: 8 AM - 12 AM Wednesday: 8 AM - 12 AM Thursday: 8 AM - 12 AM Friday: 8 AM - 12 AM Saturday: 8 AM - 12 AM Sunday: 8 AM - 12 AM
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