Emiliya is an eclectic, contemporary all-day café and restaurant that takes an informal and casually unauthentic approach to easy-going plates of delicious food and simple beverages. – ristorant
- Klassifikazzjoni: 7 / 10 stilel
- Tikketti: ewropewgrillgħaġin
- Telefon: +77773106112
- Websajt: https://www.marriott.com/hotels/hotel-information/restaurant/tsesi-sheraton-nur-sultan-hotel/
- Indirizz: Syganak St, 16/1 Nur-Sultan 010000
- Emiliya is an eclectic, contemporary all-day café and restaurant that takes an informal and casually unauthentic approach to easy-going plates of delicious food and simple beverages. Inspired by the ingredients and cuisines of the Levant, Turkey, and touches of Central Asia. We are open daily for coffee, lunch, and supper.
- Ħinijiet Miftuħa:Monday: 12 AM - 8 AM Tuesday: 12 AM - 8 AM Wednesday: 12 AM - 8 AM Thursday: 12 AM - 8 AM Friday: 12 AM - 8 AM Saturday: 12 AM - 8 AM Sunday: 12 AM - 8 AMĦinijiet ta' Kunsinna:Monday: 12 AM - 8 AM Tuesday: 12 AM - 8 AM Wednesday: 12 AM - 8 AM Thursday: 12 AM - 8 AM Friday: 12 AM - 8 AM Saturday: 12 AM - 8 AM Sunday: 12 AM - 8 AM
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