Guacamole Mexican Grill (Akropolis Kaunas)

Unique Mexican cuisine – restaurant

  • Rating: 8 / 10 stars
  • Tags: mexicantacoburrito
  • Phone: +37060658252
  • Website:
  • Address: K. Mindaugo pr. 49 Kaunas LT44333
  • Mexican cuisine is characterized by bright flavors and an abundance of spicy spices. Avocado, seafood, chili, and corn are added to all of our most popular dishes: trail cakes, encyclades, casadillas, burritos, tortillas, and more. The quality of Guacamole is guaranteed by selected products and even such nuances as an authentic wood grill, where the quality of fried food is incomparably higher. Mexican food is mostly eaten by hand, thus bringing the connection closer to food, people and culture itself.
  • Open Hours:
    Monday: 4 PM - 6 AM Tuesday: 4 PM - 6 AM Wednesday: 4 PM - 6 AM Thursday: 4 PM - 6 AM Friday: 4 PM - 6 AM Saturday: 4 PM - 6 AM Sunday: 4 PM - 6 AM
    Delivery Hours:
    Monday: 4 PM - 6 AM Tuesday: 4 PM - 6 AM Wednesday: 4 PM - 6 AM Thursday: 4 PM - 6 AM Friday: 4 PM - 6 AM Saturday: 4 PM - 6 AM Sunday: 4 PM - 6 AM
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