D Fusion Food
Specializing in Indian and Maltese food – restoran
- Reytinq: 7 / 10 ulduzlar
- Teqlər: Newhindəriştədüyü
- Telefon: +35679402960
- Veb sayt: https://dfusionfood.com/
- Ünvan: Triq Karolina Cauchi, Ir-Rabat Għawdex Gozo VCT 2201
- At D Fusion Food, we believe in real food. So there are no artificial colors, no artificial flavors, no artificial preservatives, and no artificial sweeteners in any of the food we sell. From the food we make fresh in our stores, to the food on our shelves, to fresh fish, meat, and delicious snacks, we don’t sell it unless it meets our standards
- Açıq saatlar:Monday: 4 AM - 12 PM Tuesday: 4 AM - 12 PM Wednesday: 4 AM - 12 PM Thursday: 4 AM - 12 PM Friday: 4 AM - 12 PM Saturday: 4 AM - 12 PM Sunday: 4 AM - 12 PMÇatdırılma Saatları:Monday: 4 AM - 12 PM Tuesday: 4 AM - 12 PM Wednesday: 4 AM - 12 PM Thursday: 4 AM - 12 PM Friday: 4 AM - 12 PM Saturday: 4 AM - 12 PM Sunday: 4 AM - 12 PM
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