Mojo Picon
Hiszpański temperament – restaurant
- Rating: 8 / 10 stars
- Tags: mediterraneaneuropeanseafood
- Phone: +48222414800
- Website: http://www.mojopicon.pl
- Address: Burdzińskiego 5 Warsaw 03-480
- Hiszpańska kuchnia – co region, to inne specjały, a potem kolejne ich odmiany. U nas znajdziesz przekrój potraw z całego kraju z wyraźnym akcentem na dania z Wysp Kanaryjskich. Nazwa naszej restauracji nawiązuje do najpopularniejszego sosu z tego rejonu - Mojo Picón Spanish cuisine - each region with its own specialities and its own varieties. Here you can find dishes from all around the country, with focus on cuisine from the Canary Islands. The name of our restaurant comes from the most popular sauce in this region - Mojo Picón
- Open Hours:Monday: 12 AM - 12 AM Tuesday: 12 AM - 12 AM Wednesday: 12 AM - 12 AM Thursday: 12 AM - 12 AM Friday: 12 AM - 6 AM Saturday: 12 AM - 6 AM Sunday: 12 AM - 8 AMDelivery Hours:Monday: 12 AM - 12 AM Tuesday: 12 AM - 12 AM Wednesday: 12 AM - 12 AM Thursday: 12 AM - 12 AM Friday: 12 AM - 6 AM Saturday: 12 AM - 6 AM Sunday: 12 AM - 8 AM
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