
If you like to mix flavors- K24 Chinese is your type of food – restaurace

  • Hodnocení: 8 / 10 hvězdy
  • Štítky: čínštinaasijské
  • Telefon: +381603349778
  • Webové stránky: http://www.kineskirestoran-k2.com
  • Adresa: Bulevar Despota Stefana 115 Bělehrad 11000
  • If you love the Chinese kitchen, you came to the right place. K24 Chinese restaurant offers you a fast and healthy meal which is a combination of different flavors. We combine sweet and savory with spicy flavors and the food is prepared by the Chinese kitchen chefs with original spices and fresh ingredients.
  • Otevírací hodiny:
    Monday: 12 PM - 8 PM Tuesday: 12 PM - 8 PM Wednesday: 12 PM - 8 PM Thursday: 12 PM - 8 PM Friday: 12 PM - 8 PM Saturday: 8 AM - 8 AM Sunday: 8 AM - 4 PM
    Dodací hodiny:
    Monday: 12 PM - 8 PM Tuesday: 12 PM - 8 PM Wednesday: 12 PM - 8 PM Thursday: 12 PM - 8 PM Friday: 12 PM - 8 PM Saturday: 8 AM - 8 PM Sunday: 8 AM - 4 PM
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