House Of Rice
Place that will change the way you think about food in boxes – რესტორანი
- რეიტინგი: 8 / 10 ვარსკვლავები
- ტეგები: აზიურიიაპონელიზღვის პროდუქტები
- ტელეფონი: +37063363310
- საიტი:
- მისამართი: Gurių Sodų 4-oji g. 3 ვილნიუსი 11312
- Vilnius has a new take-away sushi place that will change the way you think about food in boxes. Not only will we put the experience and creativity of the HOUSE OF RICE chef in the boxes, but also fresh ingredients from the local market, unique spices and other products from Japan and, of course, the star of the show, fresh fish! No nasty surprises, no "junk" food or ingredients of questionable quality: only the fresh will be paired with rice.
- გახსნის საათები:Monday: Closed Tuesday: Closed Wednesday: 12 AM - 10 PM Thursday: 12 AM - 10 PM Friday: 12 AM - 10 PM Saturday: 12 AM - 10 PM Sunday: 12 AM - 10 PMმიწოდების საათები:Monday: Closed Tuesday: Closed Wednesday: 12 AM - 10 PM Thursday: 12 AM - 10 PM Friday: 12 AM - 10 PM Saturday: 12 AM - 10 PM Sunday: 12 AM - 10 PM
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